Wednesday 21 December 2016

Elector Celebrates Trumps win by Burning all the Anti-Trump letters He received.


A Republican elector in Ohio shared a video of himself burning heaps of letters urging him not to vote for President-elect Donald Trump after casting his Electoral College ballot Monday night.

Richard Jones, a sheriff in Butler County, Ohio, was one of the 18 Ohio electors who cast their votes for Trump on Monday.

“Got a lot of letters to burn,” he says in a video, puffing on a cigar as he throws letters into an outdoor fire pit. “Going to be burning letters all night.”

Jones posted pictures and videos of him burning the letters on his Twitter account Monday night. A CBS affiliate in Ohio first reported on Jones’s celebration, and said he has long been a Trump supporter.

The letters, he said, were from thousands of people across the country urging him not to vote for Trump. They burned in a fire pit while a Trump-Pence campaign sign sat on the grass the background.

“It’s over, we’ve got a new president,” Jones says in one video. “Thanks to America and thanks to Ohio for the electoral votes and gave me the chance to be an elector.”

Anti-Trump groups pressured Republican electors to vote for an alternative when they convened at state houses to vote on Monday. The effort fell flat when Trump sealed his victory with 304 electoral votes. Only two GOP electors — both from Texas — defected.

Five Democratic electors successfully chose other candidates than nominee Hillary Clinton.

Dead FL Veteran Left in Shower Room for More Than NINE HOURS by VA Staff!

NY Daily News
Staff members at a VA hospital in Florida left a veteran’s body lying in a shower room for nearly 10 hours, then tried covering up a series of protocol violations, a report revealed Sunday.
An internal review from the Bay Pines VA Healthcare System exposed severe lapses stemming from the death earlier this year. The Tampa Bay Times obtained the report through a Freedom of Information request.
An internal investigation revealed that some staffers “falsely documented” the incident and blamed the confusion of a communication problem that never occurred.
Some staffers also failed to follow procedures for reporting a death, and lied about the hospice being short staffed at the time, the report said.
Hospital spokesman Jason Dangel called the actions “unacceptable” and said “appropriate personnel action was taken.” The hospital did not give specifics on whether anyone was reprimanded.
But Florida Rep. Gus Bilirakis said in a statement that no one was fired for the failures.

Thursday 15 December 2016

Obamacare: 1 in 4 children do not get the health care they need

In case you needed any more proof that Obamacare has been a spectacular failure, a new report from the Children’s Health Fund shows that more than one fourth of American children do not get the health care they need. According to the report, 3.3 million American children are uninsured.

Making matters worse, there are 20 million children in America who do have insurance but still do not have access to the necessary health care. More than 10 million children are insured but do not have access to primary care and regularly miss checkups as a result. 6.7 million kids on CHIP or Medicaid have access to primary care, yet they are not getting their subspecialty care needs met, such as those that need to see a pediatric endocrinologist or pediatric cardiologist.

Report co-author Dr. Irwin Redlener said that some children live in communities that have fewer than one doctor per 3,000 people, while others do not have access to affordable transportation to go to the doctor when needed.

Incredibly, he expressed concern about president-elect Donald Trump’s plans to repeal Obamacare! It’s hard to imagine why he would want to hold on to a program that leaves a quarter of the nation’s children without health care. His own report actually points out the ways that the Affordable Care Act (ACA) needs to be amended:
The ACA should be amended to reduce copayments, premiums, cost-sharing, and out of pocket payments for lower-income families, as well as increase subsidies and fix existing “glitches” that prevent families in need from gaining marketplace tax credits.

Children affected the most by premium increases

These are not minor fixes, and it’s clear that the system is failing to deliver on its promises. Children have been more adversely affected by the premium increases caused by Obamacare than any other group, with their premiums tripling. This is due in part to the fact that this age group is considered the healthiest segment of our population, which means they saw very low premiums when they were charged based on their risk. In fact, a family in Kansas could pay for insurance for three children in 2009 for less than it costs to insure just one child in 2016.
The report also calls for the ACA to increase the reimbursement rates for providers who treat communities that are underserved to help decrease access barriers. In addition, it calls on policymakers to provide incentives to health providers who are willing to serve poor communities.

Obamacare has failed us on so many levels

Where has Obamacare gotten us so far? Under the Affordable Care Act, premiums have skyrocketed by as much as 67 percent in some cases. Seventeen of the country’s 23 Obamacare co-ops have collapsed so far because they cannot attract enough members to stay afloat. This year, 8 million Americans were hit with more than $3 billion in penalties from the IRS for not buying health insurance, and deductibles are soaring.
Even Bill Clinton referred to the Affordable Care Act as “the craziest thing in the world” at a rally, pointing out that some people were paying double in premiums for half of the coverage they once had.
This is the plan that Dr. Redlener is so concerned that Trump wants to get rid of?
It’s pretty clear to anyone who looks at the facts that the system is not the wonderful solution that Obama promised it would be. Drastic changes are in order, and with the situation being this dire, it’s hard to blame Trump for wanting to scrap the Affordable Care Act entirely and try a different approach.

Sources include:

Entire Story Falsely Claiming Trump Won Because Of Russian Hacks Was Fabricated By Washington Post

The Washington Post has finally committed its most desperate act of credibility suicide, publishing a blatantly false, fabricated story that now claims Russia directly interfered with the election to deliver a victory to Donald Trump. Click here to read the WashPost fabrication in full.
The WashPost story does not name a single source for the accusation, and the obviously fabricated story serves primarily to provide cover for a previous story the Washington Post also faked (and then got caught faking).
“Journalism” at the WashPost, in other words, has devolved to the point where new fake stories are published to try to bolster the fabrications of old fake stories. All of them feed into the paranoid delusions of the hysterial left which has now entered the realm of clinically diagnosable mental illness when it comes to excuses for why Hillary Clinton lost the election to Donald Trump. (Next, we’ll hear tin foil hat theories that aliens or Bigfoot stole the election, no doubt…)
The delusional liberal media is now widely circulating the WashPost story as “fact,” citing the Washington Post as their source even though the Post cited no named person whatsoever. This is how the “circle of delusion” works in the “bubble” liberal media: One media source fabricates a piece of fake news, then they all repeat it, citing each other as “credible sources” until the entire population of gullible democrats believes the false narrative.

WashPost story completely bogus… and they know it

Donald Trump blasted the story. “These are the same people that said Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction,” said the Trump transition team.
“The election ended a long time ago in one of the biggest Electoral College victories in history. It’s now time to move on and ‘Make America Great Again.'”
RNC spokesman Sean Spicer also lashed out at the false WashPost “fake news” report. Via
“The intelligence is wrong,” Spicer told Smerconish. “It didn’t happen. We offered the New York Times conclusive proof that it didn’t happen. They ignored it. They refused to look at it because it didn’t fit the narrative.”

The Washington Post is now actively engaged in treason against the United States of America

On January 21, 2017, one of the most important acts President Trump can initiate is the arrest and indictment of seditious Washington Post operatives who are actively working against the interests and national security of the United States of America.
The wholesale fabrication of false news stories by the Post, with the intended impact of denying Donald Trump the White House, is an act of sedition against this nation. It means the Washington Post, far from functioning as part of the “free press” to keep government honest, has decided to use its remaining influence to overthrow the government through the use of strategic, falsified articles that are timed to sway Electoral voters to throw their votes away from Donald Trump.
In fabricating these blatantly false and malicious news stories, the Washington Post is not engaged in journalism or an “expression of free speech.” This degree of news fakery and malicious interference with the election is, ironically, exactly what the Post ridiculously accuses Russia of doing. Publishing this brand of falsified information that carries such game-changing ramifications for the outcome of a democratic election is the geopolitical equipment of yelling “fire” in a crowded room.
This is precisely the kind of deeply malicious, misleading and knowingly false propaganda that the Trump administration must halt. The First Amendment does not protect malicious, anti-American “speech” that is intended to overthrow the legitimately and democratically elected President of the United States. It’s time to call for the arrest and prosecution of Washington Post propaganda operatives who are literally staging a “soft coup” via coordinated media fabrications.
The Washington Post has demonstrated it is a clear and present national security threat to the United States of America. They’ve gone beyond their usual news fakery and have now decided to actively work against the interests of democracy.


There is no separating Justin Bieber's fame from his hair. After all, the pop star became famous for the singular way he brushed his hair forward in a spiral around his adolescent head. The result: teen girls went crazy and teen boys invested in a brush. Well, it looks like the singer is bringing back his signature style—albeit an updated, manlier version. To help make sense of this big news, we're taking a look at the evolution of Bieber's hairstyles over the past six years. Here are the highs and lows of the musician's locks (yes, the dreads are in there). Based on this very scientific evidence, can the lifecycle of a trend can be measured according to Bieber's hair?
Image result for justin bieber hair

Image result for justin bieber hair

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PewDiePie’s “Cringemas” Live Stream Raises $1.3 Million For Charity

PewDiePie’s “I’m shutting down my YouTube channel” fakeout drew all the headlines this week, but the Swedish Youtube star’s latest charity drive was his most noteworthy action of the week. His “Cringemas” live stream, which he co-hosted alongside some of the other creators who are partnered with his Revelmode network, (including JacksepticeyeMarkiplier, and Emma Blackery) raised more than $1.3 million for the nonprofit organization (RED).
We raised $1300000 to RED with cringemas!!!!
Thank you all for donating! Thats a huge impact!
Cringemas took place on PewDiePie’s channel (which has more than 50 million subscribers) across two segments. The first half of the stream went between between 10 AM and 2 PM PST on December 9th, and the second half occurred during the same time slot on the following day. As they reached certain donation goals, the Cringemas crew shared gifts with one another in a Revelmode Secret Santa of sorts.
The funds raised by the live stream will go directly to (RED), which helps support the proliferation of anti-retroviral drugs in impoverished communities affected by HIV and AIDS. To date, the organization, which has ties to many different celebrities, has raised more than $365 million.

PewDiePie has run several charity drives in the past, as have several of the creators who participated in Cringemas. With their powers combined, Cringemas became one of the biggest fundraising campaigns we’ve seen from the YouTube community so far, despite running for just eight hours. The stream’s output comes out to more to $2,700 per minute, or about $45 per second. Clearly, these creators and their fans are willing and able to do some serious good.

Source: Tubefilter

Nicki Minaj Has Now Had More Songs on the Billboard Hot 100 Than Taylor Swift

Nicki Minaj scored her 70th track on the Billboard Hot 100, breaking a tie she had with pop star Taylor Swift. Nicki’s “Black Barbies,” her version of Rae Sremmurd’s hit single “Black Beatles,” debuted at No. 65 on the latest chart to help the rapper achieve this honor.

The legendary Aretha Franklin is the only woman with more songs to crack Hot 100 chart, clocking in at 73. With Nicki still having plenty of time left in her career, it seems inevitable that she will also surpass Franklin in the years to come.
Outside of the music industry, Nicki recently got into the mobile gaming business. The Queens rapper launched her Nicki Minaj: The Empire game as part of her birthday celebration.

“This year for my birthday I’m giving my fans the most incredible gift ever,” she wrote on Instagram. “You’ll get to create your own Rap Empire where you can record yourself rapping on the same track as me. I can’t contain my excitement about this GAME/APP. We’ve been working on it for a long time. You’re going to FALL IN LOVE with it.”
Nicki also put out a new song called “Ain’t Gone Do It,” which is available for free to anyone who downloads her new game. The song is a leftover from The Pinkprint album and leaves some empty space for players to add their own verse to the track.